Duales Studium

Trend study dual studies 2021

Learning and working in the digital age. 

What the study is about

Practice, practice, practice – gaining work experience during their studies is the biggest advantage for students. It is precisely the combination of theory and practice that makes a dual study programme attractive for students. While the theoretical part teaches the technical basics of the respective degree programme, the practical aspect enables students to apply this knowledge directly in the company. In order to be able to optimally use this USP for the later job search, the quality of the study content and the existing practical relevance are particularly important aspects. In addition, two out of three respondents are convinced that a dual study programme is seen by the company as being of higher value than a traditional classroom study programme. And it pays off: More than three quarters of the graduates surveyed said that they had found a better job entry through the dual study programme than students in pure attendance studies. When choosing a dual study programme, the personal connection is crucial. Whether it's good support in the practice company, assistance in finding a company or individual support with organisational questions - students want a direct relationship with their educational partners. It is therefore not surprising that when it comes to "study format", on-site attendance events are in first place. However, the study also shows that a mix of online and face-to-face studies is also very attractive to many students. In addition, almost all respondents are of the opinion that online learning is gaining in importance due to the current pandemic. It therefore remains to be seen how students' expectations will develop in the future. However, it can already be said that students and graduates are generally very satisfied with a dual study programme. Almost 90% of those surveyed said they were satisfied overall with their studies - both with the university and with the company.  

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The 5 most important findings

  • Study with a practical bonus. The combination of theory and practice is the USP of the dual study programme.  

  • Studying? Yes, but in person. In-person study comes first. Almost everyone wants to study in person.  

  • Career included. 75 % of those surveyed who study or have studied say they have developed personally faster than traditional students. More than three quarters of graduates say they have found a better job entry after completing their dual studies than students in traditional face-to-face studies.  

  • Less work. More online. The effects of the Corona pandemic do not stop at the dual study programme. Academic teaching is shifting into the virtual space.  

  • Better than any normal study programme. Two out of three respondents think that a dual study programme is considered more valuable than a traditional face-to-face study programme.  

About this study 

  • Published on 12.7.2021 

  • Survey of 6,106 currently enrolled and former dual students as well as prospective students 

  • Publisher: IU International University of Applied Sciences 

  • Survey period: 08.03.2021 – 28.03.2021 

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